The Prodigy

Monday, July 16, 2007

Make Money on Amazon

You can make money on Amazon selling lots of things without it costing anything until you sell it. It’s called Amazon MarketPlace. If you have something you want to sell new or used, and Amazon sells it on their site, you can sell it right along side of them. They will already have the item description,maybe a picture of it too. You have to supply the description of your actual item that you own, whether it’s new, used, and other important details the buyer would want to know. You have to be honest about this because your seller integrity is on the line for future business on the website. Before we get into that you have to setup an account. Which involves bank account, credit card and personal info. This can be hard for people that have bad or no credit. What I did was opened a savings account through a local credit union which will give anybody that lives in my town a account, as long as you have an address. Linked that to my amazon account. Now for the credit card. Luckily I had already started a PayPal account and received a Debit Card. That worked! If you don’t have a credit card maybe buying a prepaid card will do the trick. After all this then you can start a MarketPlace account through Amazon. One of the best benefits of this is that you can actually go to your local library and get withdrawn books from the library for free or a couple pennies and sell them on Amazon. Now all of them are not going to be profitable but after awhile you’ll know what books can make you anywhere from 1 to 100 dollars. Yes I once sold a book that I got from the library and sold it for $87.oo. This is just a summary of how to get started. Any ?’s just ask and I’ll help ya!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Welcome To Life's Little Helpers

Welcome to Life’s Little Helper’s Blog! I decided to do this blog after reading about what a blog should really be. Honestly I wanted to make money off of blogging and to do that you got to get people to read your blog. Well I read, and read and figured out if you want someone to read your blog you have to be interested in what your blogging about. I came to a conclusion that I love trying to help people out. I’ve been in so many tight situations in my life and pulled out somehow someway. With either the help of others or just the drive to keep my head above water. So along the way I’ve found ways to get around the system or use it to my advantage. So in this blog I will every now and again post these things that have helped me get by. Feel free to comment and try to help each other make it through this thing we call life!!